If you ever want that classic barbershop smell, this is the after shave for you. Being readily available and very inexpensive, this after shave could be a great way for you to start the day off right.
Pinaud Clubman has been around forever. It's commonly found in most large chain retails stores, so it's readily available and very inexpensive. I've seen it at Sally's Beauty Supply, Wal-Mart, and a couple of different drug stores in town. It's one of those all too common alcohol based after shave lotions/splashes. It doesn't have much benefit for your skin, so a lot of people I hear use it as a substitute for a cologne. Most after shave splash scents don't last that long, but this one I find that the sent lasts a long time. Even though it's mostly alcohol, I tend to have oily skin in the summer and anytime that Arkansas humidity kicks in (which is all the time). So I can usually use it without the product drying out my skin. It does burn on a freshly shaven face, but it tones and that initial burn really feels good and is very soothing.
The scent is where this splash really shines. Like I said, it has that classic old time barbershop smell. It makes you think of your grandpa or your youth. Not really spicy or sweet, but more of a fresh feeling and smell. It will likely remind you of yesteryear and the old style of America.
In addition to the After Shave Lotion, Pinaud Clubman also makes a Talc product. Talc is an old type of after shave product. This natual mineral form of after shave is very soft and velvety. It feels much better than the normal corn starch baby powders. Basically, you sprinkle this and rub it all over your shaven face. It hides blemishes, redness, cuts, and the like. It leaves you feeling dry, clean, and feeling good. Not to mention, it smells great! That classic barbershop scent in a powder form. My barber still uses this on my neck and fresh cut hairline with a brush after a haircut. It really soothes that fresh cut skin. I also use it for anytime I want to feel dry and fresh or after I get out of the shower.

I really like both of these products. The splash/lotion is my normal every day go to scent or whenever I feel like using it. Both are great products and are very reasonably priced. I found these at my local Sally's Beauty Supply store. I got both for under $10. A bargin!
Happy Shaving!
*BTW - sorry for the poor light. It's rainy and stormy here and didn't have any natural light to use. Just the florescence bulbs.
I started using Clubman not too long ago. I love the way it smells. I got it at Walgreens for $7. The smell actually reminds me of my grandfather. Anyway, maybe we can trade wetshave tips sometime.
I agree. I love the way it smells. It doesn't necessarily remind me of my grandfather (who wore Stetson for as long as I can remember), but it does have that great old timey smell.
Thanks for the comments. Feel free to leave me a comment or ask a question anytime. I've been traditionally shaving for over a year now and have enough knowledge to just get me by. lol so any other info I can get will always be appreciated
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