Being new to the traditional style of wet shaving, I have been an avid reader of many blogs, posts, forums, websites, and watched lots and lots of videos on youtube... Ok, I admit, I have been a little, well, ...obsessed about it. haha
I have recently been trying to persuade my friend Adam, to give wetshaving a try and leave The Dark Side to become a wet shaver. He ended up purchasing a boar brush last weekend and I was happy to donate some of my creams for him to use and try out. Obviously, he had much better shaves and was interested in finding out more about wet shaving. I pointed him to some of my favorite websites and blogs, most notably mantic59's youtube channel. He has a very extensive collection of videos. They are great sources of information about wetshaving and are quite entertaining as well (just in case you are interested yourself, you can find his youtube channel here).
During my recent knowledge of wet shaving, I've noticed that a lot of guys are particularly interested in finding and collecting vintage razors. One of the most popular razors was Gillette's superspeed model razors made in the 40's and 50's. They were enormously popular back in the day (like today's Mach 3 razors) and made of quality materials and metal.
Anyways, yesterday Adam, Jenn, and I went on an outing to find some vintage DE razors. Adam was really interested in getting a DE razor and thought it would be cool to find a vintage razor to use from an antique store or flea market. I agreed and was eager to go.
Anyways, as you can imagine, we ended up finding a very good stash of DE razors, straight razors, brushes, and all sorts of goodies. Most of them were in pretty decent condition. Yes, they were crudded with gunk, worn, faded, tarnished, but had very little rust or major damage to them. Once I saw them, I immediately knew how all those guys on the forums and blogs felt about finding old school DE razors! We were thrilled to have a very extensive collection to look through and purchase. However, I didn't think I needed ALL of them, even though I wanted to buy them all! haha So I ended up getting a vintage Gillette razor and old straight razor. I wasn't sure about the Gillette other than I seeing the Gillette symbol on the razor, so I figured we would research it when we got home. I don't use straight razors because I don't know how and am kind of afraid to use them! haha. But none the less, I got one anyways, to "decorate" with. Maybe one day I'll send it off to be professional cleaned, polished, and sharpened.
After getting home with our purchases, we checked out all the information we needed to clean them up. We soaked them in a water/vinegar solution first. Then we used some scrubbing bubbles and a toothbrush to clean up the gunk and corrosion on them. After rinsing with hot water, we let them soak in hydrogen peroxide to kill any germs or diseases. We rinsed and used some toothpaste to polish it up a bit. I wish I had some quality metal cleaners and polish to really make it shine, but I used what I had.
We used the Badger and Blade forum to date our razors and figure out the brand, name, model, year, etc. Come to find out, we both purchased the same razor. A 1948-50 Gillette Superspeed DE razor. I find it pretty amazing that for $5, I obtained a razor that is 60 years old and works great! I'm really excited to use it and compare it to my Merkur HD.
Below are the pictures. Enjoy!
Box of goodies we found

My purchases:
Straight Razor $8
1948-50 Gillette Superspeed $5
Stay tuned for more reviews!
Happy Shaving!
I'm very happy with my new DE razor as well! I can't believe we found such cool vintage razors for such a good price! Not to be too sappy or whatever but I kind of feel "honored" or whatever you want to call it to be able to hold a piece of history like that in my hand! :) And it works like it's brand new! I am totally into traditional wet shaving now! Thanks! lol
I'm very happy with my new DE razor as well! I can't believe we found such cool vintage razors for such a good price! Not to be too sappy or whatever but I kind of feel "honored" or whatever you want to call it to be able to hold a piece of history like that in my hand! :) And it works like it's brand new! I am totally into traditional wet shaving now! Thanks! lol
I find the Superspeed to be slightly more aggressive than the Merkur HD, so be sure to pay special attention to your technique and use a very light touch.
Shave on,
Garret, Thanks for the response! Even though I appreciate your comments, I have to disagree with you here. I've been shaving with the Merkur HD for quite a while now. Although the finish on the razor is much smoother, I find the Superspeed to be far less agressive for my face. I hardly feel the blade at all and haven't notice any dragging or pulling or excessive blade cutting. Not that I feel that with the Merkur either, but I do feel the blade much more prominant on the Merkur than I do the superspeed.
Although I love both razors, i believe the superspeed to be less agressive, but the Merkur to be a smoother shave.
...make sense? maybe not. Oh well. Thanks for the comment!
That's why YMMV is the only rule in wetshaving!
HA! I had to look that up. Thank goodness for Urban dictionary :)
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