My barber told me a story recently that I found fascinating.
I was telling her about my new hobby of Traditional Wet Shaving. She thought that it was very interesting and congratulated me. She then proceeded to tell me that her father still uses his old DE razor to this day and still drops his razors in the medicine cabinet.
...excuse me? drops them in the medicine cabinet? She said yes, the medicine cabinet. She then told me that in older houses, the medicine cabinets in the bathrooms were built partially into the wall. These medicine cabinets usually have a little slit about 1-2 inches wide in the back of the medicine cabinet. When your razor blade gets dull and you're ready to throw it away, just push it in the hole in the medicine cabinet. The blade falls between the walls. it eventually rusts and corrodes over time. No throwing away, no cutting through trash bags, no one getting hurt. just falls between the walls! How crazy is that!
We live in an older house ourselves. So when I got home, I headed straight to the bathroom. I knew what awaited me. I had always seen it there but had never paid attention. I never used it, and never really wondered why it was there, but lo and soon as I opened up my medicine cabinet, guess what I saw. Yep, the hole in my medicine cabinet! Crazy! So I immediately grabbed an old razor and I had to test it out. We made sure that it was very quiet when we pushed it through...
... clink, clunk, tink, rattle....
"THAT WAS AWESOME!", Jennifer said. ha ha. After doing a quick search online, I read how a lot of construction workers and guys who build houses for a living say how they have come across houses and bathroom construction with just hundreds of corroded and rusty razor blades.
Anyways, kinda dumb, but I thought it was a pretty interesting piece of information. Kinda makes you wanna go check out your medicine cabinet now huh?

Happy shaving!
P.S. - Oh yeah, and my friend Adam is a traitor. His blog talks about how he went over to the "dark side." He abandoned Wet Shaving and got a new Electric Razor to go along with his other one... He said that he might have started a shaving war...
May we meet on the battlefield, friend.
Haha- love it! I just checked our medicine cabinet (our house was built in '66). It had a hole, just like you said. :)
My wife and I live in a house that was built in the 60's, complete with fusebox instead of breaker box. I'm going to have to check my medicine cabinet
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