After shaving, your face is in serious need of conditioning. Not only have you removed most all of the hair on your face, you've also removed some of the top layer of skin along with the hair, which means that your face is very vulnerable.
Most people, me included, suggest using an After Shave balm. The balms usually give back moisture to your skin and leaves it feeling soft and healthy. Usually, balms also include things like aloe and vitamin E and other essential oils for your skin, and most do not include alcohol which can dry out you skin.
However, some people who don't like balms for the "oily sheen" they give off, opt for an after shave splash.
Personally, I like to us both! I like the cooling sensation and moisturizing effects of the balm on my face. It gives my skin back the moisture it needs. However, I love the smell and "stinging" sensation I get with an after shave splash. I usually put balm on my freshly shaven face, and splash some of the after shave splash in my hands. I then pat the splash on my lower neck, back of my neck on my arms, chest, and then rub whatever is left in my hair.
Dominica Bay Rum after shave is your typical splash. It's very heavy in alcohol, so it tones and tightens your skin while the alcohol gives it an antiseptic sting. Yes, it will sting, but only for a few seconds. The scent of Dominica Bay Rum is the classic bay rum smell you get when you walk into the barbershop.
Dominica Bay Rum is actually distilled using alcohol and Bay leaves. The scent is very nice and strong. However, the scent doesn't linger very long like a cologne would. The light scented bay rum is a light, fresh, crisp smell, leaving you feeling clean. It's free of artificial dyes, fragrances, and any synthetic enhancers of any kind.
I have to be honest, I wan't a big fan of it when I first got it. In fact, I didn't like it at all. But I figured I would keep it and give it a little more time. Boy, I am glad I did! The scent is one of my favorite after shaves there is! The strong cedar/cinnamon/CLOVE smell is very nice and refreshing. It doesn't' smell fake or like a deodorant. The natural Caribbean scent reminds me of sipping beverages on the beach listening to Jimmy Buffet singing Margaritaville. (Jennifer wasn't so impressed with it at first either. Now if she smells even a faint hint of it, she likes to snuggle right up to my neck. :) That's always a plus! ha ha)
If you are a fan of alcohol based antiseptic after shave splashes, I recommend you pick up a bottle today! I got mine from Below are some pictures of my bottle.
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