Ahhh. Wetshaving. Funny. ...thinking about shaving use to be a chore and something I dreaded. Now, it's part of my morning routine that I continue to look forward to every morning. This month marks my 1 year anniversary since making "the switch". Overall, my shaving experience has been drastically changed. I went from complaining about razor burn and ingrown hairs nearly every day, to having only a few ingrown hairs over the last year. And, I honestly can't remember the last time I had razor rash. It's crazy to think that I used to grumble and complain about cartridge prices while I tossed a new $25 pack of replacement blades into my cart at Wal-Mart. While I'll admit, getting a new replacement DE blade for under 17 cents is an amazing way to save money, my AD (Acquisition Disorder) has caused me to spend much more on shaving supplies that I enjoy using. I guess that's the equivalent to a women buying clothes I guess. lol Anyways, I'm glad I made the switch. Little did I know that on that fateful day, when I googled how to get rid of shaving irritation, I would run across some quirky dude shaving on YouTube named Mantic59. My life, would never be the same. I remember I stayed up till nearly 3:00 in the morning that night. Watching his videos and learning so much. It was then that my life changed forever... or at least my shaving habits. And my mug is better for it! Thanks Mantic!